A jovial crew serving you personalized
The World Voyager offers an intimate and familial style of cruising, where it is a common place to meet and make friends with the officers on board, with the Captain and with the entire crew. The crew is at the complete disposal of passengers to make them feel at home during their journey.
This friendly style of cruising offers an excellent level of service that is not rigid but rather pleasantly informal.
The modern and brightly decorated cabins are spread over three passenger decks. They offer all the comfort that you would expect from first-rate hotels on land. A large variety of 'floating hotel rooms' is at your disposal.
From €300.00 p.p.p.d.
• Explorer Suite
• VIP Suite
• Navigator Suite
• Veranda Deluxe Cabin
• Infinity Deluxe Cabin
• Veranda Cabin
• Infinity Cabin
• Expedition Cabin